Wine colored sword beans , 15 seeds /$5, shipping $10, phyto certificate $12
15 seeds/purchase Description: This sword beans seeds and pods are edible and nutritious they are used for culinary purpose and can replace broadbeans in many recipes. They are used to make soups, stews in many African countries especially Ghana. When the mature seeds are used for cooking, because of anti-nutritional substance, they must be first dehulled, then carefully soaked in salted water, sometimes fermented and finally cooked. It was recommend to make a test before eating large quantities of this sword bean seeds This sword beans may also be used as fodder and cover crop. The seeds may be fed to cattle and chicken provided it is moderately consumed (see Potential constraints").Sword bean foliage is a useful forage for ruminants In some places in Africa, this sword bean is used as an ornamental climber on fences and houses. It is also used as a cover crop. It is believed to repel snakes. This sword beans has many ethnomedicinal properties and it is a source of urease, a useful compound for urea blood analysis in humans.