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Lesser yam(Dioscorea esculenta), 600g/ 10 USD, Shipping $15, Phyto cert $12

Lesser yam(Dioscorea esculenta), 600g/ 10 USD, Shipping $15, Phyto cert $12

Edible Uses:

Root - cooked and used as a vegetable. Sweet and pleasant, with a flavour somewhat like sweet potato or chestnuts. The tubers are oval, up to 20cm long and 8cm in diameter.

Each plant can produce 5 - 20 tubers. The flesh is white and the average tuber weight may be

250 - 1,000g, though larger ones can weight 3,000g.


It’s smaller or medium tubers are use as propagation material, Pieces of tubers weighing around 50g-80g with dormant buds, are planted in situ 4 - 8cm depth.

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