Annona stenophylla, 15 seeds/$5, shipping $10, phyto certificate $12
15 seeds/ purchase A rare African Annona, with nicely sized, edible fruits having soft, bright orange-yellow pulp. The fruits are eaten raw and processed for juice. Fruits ripen from green to orange. Growing habit is a bit different from the common Annona's, as it is a short, semi-bushy plant, often to no more than a few feet tall as named dwarf custard apple. GERMINATION PROCEDURES: 1. Soak seeds overnight in hot water. 2. Clean the seeds in the next morning then used fresh room temperature water and soak them until evening. 3. Then use 1g/1L dilution of GA3/Gibberellic Acid and soak them overnight. 4. Germinate the seeds outside with 73/93 degrees F daily temperatures and 50% humidity. 5. You will start to get germination after 5 weeks of planting.